Photographer’s Green Book Traveler’s Residency Open Call
*This call is now closed*
The Photographer’s Green Book’s Travelers Residency is searching for its inaugural group for the 2022 year. We are searching for four artist scholars interested in engaging for one month with PGB to conduct research and resource building that benefits the People of the Global Majority* working within lens based mediums. Each resident will conduct research, build, and implement a resource during the month of their residency. Residents may also apply to engage, expand, or remix resources already found on the PGB website. The proposed resource must be designed to be free for the public, have an online component, and speak to radically advancing the conversation of diversity and equity within the photographic medium.
Apply on the google form here .
Applicants should submit a 500 word proposal that outlines their project, how it advances a particular conversation, an anticipated research and implementation plan, and what support they anticipate needing from the PGB team. In addition to this 500 word statement please submit a maximum 10 page pdf with links and previous work samples that relate to or support your ability to accomplish the creation of your resource. Note within your proposal three months between January and August of 2022 and rank them from most to least desired.
Residents will receive a 500 dollar stipend, be listed as a part of the PGB team for their contribution, access to PGB online platform, and scholastic and professional development. Residents are expected to host one public event that centers around their resource via PGB online platforms. Residences can be based anywhere in the world, but those based in the Philadelphia and New York area may submit ideas which could take advantage of physical spaces to be determined based on the scope of the proposal.
Applications are Due October 1st 2021. Notifications will occur December 15th 2021.
*People of the Global Majority references non-white individuals that make up the majority of the worlds population.
This residency was funded by Limited Release, a sporadic print sale and partnership program for supporting creative research created by Zora J Murff and contributions from community members like you.